Get your 107 in five "easy" steps

Step 1:  Get your FTN (FAA Tracking Number)

     To get your unique FAA tracking number (FTN), you must register for an account on the IACRA website

     Please follow the instructions on the website for new applicants, and make sure to give your full legal name

     You will be provided with your unique FTN at the end of this process.

Step 2:  Use your FTN to Schedule your testing date

     2a:  Create an account on the PSI Website

     2b:  Sign In to your account on the PSI Website

     2c:  Select the Unmanned Aircraft General - Small (UAG) Exam

     2d:  Pick a testing location and testing date/time.

Step 3:  Study for the Knowledge Test

     All of the information you will need to pass the test is available from the FAA,  

     There are also many online courses available if you prefer instructor-led training.  

     Be sure to take the online practice test to get a feel for the types of questions you will see on the test.

     Information on study materials and classes

     Recommended:  Part 107 Made Easy from Pilot Institute

Step 4: Take and Pass the Knowledge Test

     Answer all the questions correctly (or at least 70%, which is the minimum score you need to pass your Part 107 test)

Step 5:  Submit your test results (FAA Form 8710-13)

     5a:  Go back to the IACRA website.  

     5b: Log in with the Username and Password you used to create an account in step1.

     5c:  Enter your test Pass Code, and submit.

     You should receive your temporary Pilot Certificate via email in a few days and your Pilot Certificate card in a few weeks.


In order to keep your Part 107 Certification current you will need  to take recurrent training every two years.